Shabby Miss Jenn
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Saturday, January 9, 2010


This Saturday Dustin took a photography course with the photographer I work with, Cristi Owen. He spent the first half of the day learning lots of technical photography stuff... f-stops, aperture, metering, exposure, white balance, blah blah blah!! ;) And then he got to practice some of his new knowledge in the second half of the day. Here are some of the pictures that he took. I'm impressed, but then again I am biased!! To see more pictures from this fun day on Cristi Owen's blog just click here...

1 comment:

  1. Hey Leah,
    I love your blog, def going in my favorites list! Anywho, how did your husband get involved with this photography class. It's been a while since I've shot anything and wanted to get back into it. Do you have any deets on if there will be more of these classes? Thanks lady!

