Shabby Miss Jenn
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Saturday, October 23, 2010

My first 30 years

Last week I turned 30!!  Amazing -- where did the time go {and how come I can't get My Next Thirty Years by Tim McGraw out of my head?!?!}  I know this sounds a little cheesy, but I've spent a lot of time reflecting on these last thirty years, probably since this is the first time that I actually feel like an adult.   I think I will keep these fun thoughts for another post -- but I really did have something I wanted to share with you!!  At least once a month {if not more often} I am told that I look like I am anywhere from 15-21 years old.  It got me to thinking, do I really look any different?  So I found a picture for every age!!  Personally, I think I look a lot different than I did at 15.  Regardless, I have been blessed with a very youthful appearance  ;o)  Enjoy!!


  1. Dang girrrrl. You got some crazy bangs! I like 30 the best!

  2. I look thru the pictures and realize that I have almost all of them in my scrap books! What an adorable baby, sweet little girl, lovely teenager and now...gorgeous!
    Beautiful, inside and out! I've loved you for 30 years and will forever and ever. Amen!

  3. I love the pics, you DO look the same from when you were a kid - very beautiful!
