1. You've Got Mail - It doesn't get much better than having Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan together in a movie. Their chemistry is so cute, and the fact that they can't stand each other in real life but are in love with each other over the internet is fun to watch. Not to mention, almost any love story in NYC will have me sucked in within a matter of minutes.

2. Beaches - This is one of my favorite "go-to" movies when I am feeling really emotional and just need to have a little cry-fest. It's a beautiful movie of friendship and loyalty (not to mention there are a TON of Bette Midler songs.)

3. Love Actually - Love actually IS all around!! Disclaimer: I am not at all in support of people falling in love with their friends wives. Actually, I am quite against it. But the picture below from this movie was one of my favorite parts. What girls doesn't dream of a guy saying "To Me, You Are Perfect"

4. Grease - No explanation needed. Absolutely classic!!

5. Dirty Dancing - "Nobody puts Baby in a corner". The dancing... the songs... Patrick Swayze **sigh**

6. Gidget - This movie has been one of my all time favorites for as long as I can remember. And is probably in fact the reason that I am so intrigued with surfing and living on (or near) the beach sometime in my life. Coincidence that the man I married looks a little like Moondoggie... I think not =)

7. The Wedding Date - I'm not sure what it is about this movie that I love. The fact that she is so desperate to impress her ex (because be honest, we have all been there at one point in time or another), or maybe its just Dermot Mulroney.

8. The Notebook - This is by far one of the sweetest love stories ever. Its every girls dream to be pursued with such passion, and to be absolutely captivated by THE ONE. Doesn't hurt that Rachel McAdams and Ryan Gosling are an awesome couple on screen together.

9. Serendipity - Leave it all up to fate. Its a movie of will they or won't they find each other. AND... it takes place in NYC. **sigh** NYC=Romance♥

10. Gone With the Wind - Anyone who knows me, knows that this is by far my most favorite movie ever. It is the most incredible movie of an independent woman who goes out and gets what she wants. And Clark Gable is just a little dreamy (I don't care if he's been dead for 50 years and was old enough to be my great grandfather).

Whats in your top 10?
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