For years Dustin has been accumulating points while he travels for his job.... hotel points, airline points, rental car points. Anything that has points associated with it - he has been earning it!! It seems like we have been waiting forever to reap the benefits of his travel (selfishly I have been waiting for the day when
I would benefit from it). And just recently it seems like we are using them... ALL!!!
This last month has been crazy!! First, I had the opportunity to join Dustin in Europe for a week. I was able to fly for free on his United points. That trip was incredible - far greater than anything we could have imagined. I know... I know... I still need to blog about it, share some of our favorite stories and pictures. Believe it or not though, I/we have been so busy since returning from Europe that I haven't even looked at the pictures. That post will come soon though, I promise!!
Last weekend we traveled to San Diego with some of my family. Dustin and I stayed in the gaslamp district of SD with my cousin Maile and her husband Jeremy. The boys combined their Marriott points and we were able to have all of our hotel charges covered!! The reason for our trip was because my cousin, Zak, proposed to his amazing girlfriend Krystal on the beach in Coronado. Dustin was the paparazzi that caught the whole thing on our camera, and we were able to celebrate with them the rest of the weekend!! I had a fun part in the proposal and was able to help Zak make some of his creative ideas come to reality. It was a really special day. Zak has always meant so much to me - more than I think he even knows!! He has been like a brother in every sense that there is!! He has made fun of me, punched me in the face (literally when I was about 5 and he was 3), stood up for me, included me and loved me!! I would do anything to see him happy - and I am so happy that I could be a small part of this special day for the two of them. He found an incredible girl who loves him so much and has the sweetest heart in the entire world. They are such a fun couple to be around, and I seriously couldn't feel more blessed that she is joining our family!! Here are just a few pictures

In two weeks we leave for Maui with 15 friends!! Again, we are using Dustin's United points so that both of us can fly for free (which is a good thing since we are broke), and we are staying with friends/family to reduce the hotel costs. We haven't even had time to think about what we are going to do once we are there. But as long as I can sit on the beach and ride on a catamaran I will be happy!!
It has been an incredible, and extremely tiring, month of travel!! I am pretty sure we are going to be living off of salads and omelettes for the rest of the year just to save money - but we know it will be worth it!!
Outside of travel we have both been very busy. Dustin is taking two classes towards his Masters in Material Science Engineering at ASU while finishing up his classes in real estate. Don't worry, he won't be quitting his day job - this is just something that he has always wanted to pursue. I have been busy as wedding season starts to gear up again. I have a few post-processing jobs that I am working on. I am also teaching a Freshman Seminar class at ASU this semester every Wednesday. My Bible Babes group is meeting again every Tuesday, and every other Wednesday evening Dustin and I go to a small group bible study for newly married couples. Some days I'm not even sure how we fit it all in... but we do, and thankfully our relationship isn't suffering because of it.
Hopefully my next post won't be too far from now :o)