Shabby Miss Jenn
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Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Have you ever been to a concert where when you leave that the performance was just soo good that you are so eager to get to your care so that you can play the CD over and over and over again (and probably for the next few weeks). And if you are anything like me, you get so into the moment of the song, that you probably look completely silly when someone drives up next to you and notices you totally rocking out... but in all honesty, you just don't care! Its by far one of the greatest feelings ever!!

That is probably the best way to explain my weekend! This weekend I was completely submerged into the Word, and it was absolutely the greatest weekend ever!! I am not going to put too much in this post about the weekend, saving that for another post when I get pictures from my friend. But the entire weeekend was simply on 1 Corinthians 15. Take out your bible, and read it!! Talk about an incredible passage to prepare your heart for this holy week and an amazing Easter Sunday!!

Dustin is heading off with our church to Man's Camp next month with some friends. In fact, it was a friend of his from Bend that invited him, Matt Kline. And once Dustin got excited for it, he invited my uncle, my cousin and a few of his friends. So there is quite the group of them going. I pray that their weekend together will be even half as impacting, if not more, than the weekend I just had!!

I am praying this week that I can allow the impact of THE RESURECTION into my life, and allow it to transform me in catacalysmic ways!! And what an exciting prayer that is!! One thing I know, is that every time I have prayed for Christ to transform my life (and allowed him the full ability to do so) my life has been changed in ways that I never thought was possible! And I will leave you with this short video... Travis Cottrell was the worship leader this weekend, and when he sang this song I felt the Holy Spirit in such incredible ways!!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Sounds familiar

I guess we may be buying this DVD too... all this knowledge is keeping us on our toes, and rocking our world. Dustin's blood sugar levels have slowly begun to react to his dietary changes, and that is all we need to have the hope that this may actually work. There are moments when we think that taking the medication would be so much easier, but we know that God continues to provide us with this information so that we can make informed decisions about our health. We pray for discernment that we are making the right decisions in regards to our health, and that if we aren't making the best decision that it would be clear to us so we can start researching other options. But as for now, the correlations between health and food is the ONLY thing that is really making sense to either of us.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Food, Inc.

Monday night (which happened to be our 4 month anniversary), Dustin and I rode our bikes to Blockbuster and picked up a copy of Food, Inc. As you most likely know if you are reading this blog, Dustin was recently diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes, and also learned that he was allergic to wheat and dairy among other things. Through a lot of research, we have learned that the correlation between Type 1 diabetes and food allergies, specifically wheat and dairy, is not all that rare. So we have been adjusting our diet... a lot!!

We have been told by lots of people since Dustin's diagnosis that we need to see Food, Inc. To be honest, I really didn't want to watch it after reading the book Skinny Bitch. I was afraid that it would show too much animal cruelty. Dustin didn't want to watch it because he was afraid that after watching it he might not want to eat meat any more, and that is one of the very few things he can still eat. But after spending some time with Kim Brown last week, we knew that we needed to get educated. And watching it was one of the BEST things that we have ever done. It connected so many dots between Dustin's diagnosis and the food that we eat. It really solidified for us how important it is to know where our food is coming from and what is in it (chemicals/hormones/pesticides/etc).

Here are some of the most interesting quotes and take aways from watching the movie...
  • The average American eats over 200 pounds of meat a year.
  • 70% of processed food have genetically modified.
  • 1 in 3 Americans born after 2000 will contract early onset diabetes; Amond minorities, the rate will be 1 in 2.
  • In 1972, the FDA conducted 50,000 food safety inspections. In 2006, the FDA conducted only 9,164.
  • In 1998, the USDA implemented microbial testing for salmonella and E. coli 0157h7 so that if a plant repeatedly failed these tests, the USDA could shut down the plant. After being taken to court by the meat and poultry associations, the USDA no longer has that power.
    *** All facts from>
I think that this movie really opened our eyes to how corrupt the FDA really is, and how important it is to take responsibility for our own health by knowing what we are REALLY putting into our bodies. It is absolutely sickening thinking of how many genetically modified (GMO) foods I have consumed in my lifetime, and I can only imagine what harm that has done to my body. I pray that my children will not have to worry about this, and we will live in a world where food companies and our government care more about our health than the bottom line.

I will leave you with this quote from Food, Inc.

“Imagine what it would be if, as a national policy, we said we would be only successful if we had fewer people going to the hospital next year than last year? The idea then would be to have such nutritionally dense, unadulterated food that people who ate it actually felt better, had more energy and weren’t sick as much… now, see, that’s a noble goal.”

-- Joel Salatin, owner/farmer of Polyface Farms in Virginia, which lets his livestock graze on grass, the way nature intended.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Numbers Update

Here is my latest graph. Note the last 4 days (great numbers). Click on image for a bigger view.

Something new we learned is that even though I'm on a really low dose of insulin, I can still get low! Leah and I were going out to dinner so I ate a light lunch (but not nothing, it was a pork/salsa/avocado medley). It did have low carbs. Before dinner I told her I could tell I was low and she told me to take my numbers = 67. I've never been that low! I was stoked! The fact that I was "too low" didn't scare me, because I could clearly feel I was low, so now I just know I have to have something to eat if I feel like that again. I have only been taking numbers after meals and waking, so I guess it never occured to me what numbers I was in between meals. It will be interesting ot get my HA1C numbers 2 months from now.

I met with the Endochronologist and he said everything looks great and he doesn't want to increase the insulin. He also said that "getting rid of milk and gluten in your diet at this point should have any affect, as it's too late". That was after I asked if he has heard of any studies where people have eliminated those too and the pancreas started generating insulin again. I'm not putting stock in what he said, but an interesting perspective.

That's all for now. We are meeting with our friends that we have never met, but that inspired us to start this diet Thursday and we are really excited! So far I've kept to the no gluten/barley/grain/cows milk and feel great. I'm deep enough now it doesn't even occur to me to give up.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Happy Birthday Dustin

My wonderful husband turns 27 today!! I am so blessed to have him in my life and to walk in faith with him. Happy birthday, Dustin!!

Here is a picture of us celebrating his 23rd birthday back in 2006 at a Spring Training game!!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Glucose Graph

Here is a screen shot of my (this is Dustin again, I know, crazy), glucose levels. Click on the graph for bigger view.

February 11th is the first day of Insulin. Notice the drastic change after I started shooting up. It shows you the average for each day as one point, so I may have been elevated after 1 meal but good waking or after the other meal, but it was averaged so appears less. Either way, I'm averaging 141 over the last 4 days, a significant drop. Whats cool is what's happened lately.... I haven't really told anyone, but I've been eating potatoes every day for the last 7 days, whether it's sweet potatoes fried, french fries, grilled sweet potatoes.... I've had potatoes every day for the last week. If you notice something weird, I've consistantly had the lowest levels over the last 7 days (bigger view below). It also appears that I am consistantly trending down (slowly but you can still see a trend). Also something crazy is after a meal with potatoes, I've never been above 140...... According to the old naturopath, foods with high glycemic index (potatoes are the highest) are the ones that should shoot me through the roof, so this is interesting that my body isn't reacting to them. It's nothing to celebrate about, but something I'm paying attention to, since its been 2 weeks now since I cut all potential toxic foods from my system.The docs said it could take 2 days to a month before I see a difference, and up to a year before my pancreas is 100%.

P.S. if you like seeing this stuff I can do it more often, just tell us, cause if no one cares then I'll stop updating.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Sneak Peak

I am so excited about this I couldn't wait to post something!! This is all you get for now. Soon this is going to turn into an incredible birthday present for a fabulous little someone in my life!!

I know I know... you can hardly wait to see what it is going to be!! Just check back often over the next few weeks, and soon enough you will be VERY impressed!!

The newest addition to our family...

Drumroll please....

Welcoming the newest addition to our family, Betsy Sue!! Isn't she pretty?

She is a 27" iMac with a Quad Core i7 processor (thats an Intel chip baby!!) And we love her to pieces. Ha Ha!! Now seriously, we figured if I was really going to get serious about this post-processing images for photographers, that I should really have good equipment to work with. Purchasing our MacBook Pro was a good buy for day to day use, but it wasn't going to cut it for all of the awesome photographs I process for Cristi Owens. Anywho... we are really excited about Betsy Sue. Its almost as though she completes our little loft area. Just take a look for yourself: